Farmers in northern Nigeria say their land could be some of the most productive for sugar in West Africa. But they say that productivity is wasted without big local buyers. 尼日利亚北部的农民认为他们的土地原本可以成为西非产糖量最大的地区,但苦于当地没有大的(制糖业)买家,这片土地的产量再高也是白费。
Beijing has informally directed banks not to lend to the property sector and explicitly told local governments to cease land sales and incentives to developers and buyers. 北京方面非正式地指示银行不要向房地产行业放贷,并明确告诉地方政府停止售地、停止给予开发商和购房者优惠政策。
Critics say these glitzy Hong Kong events that sell property in London shut out local British buyers. 批评人士称,这些在香港举行的销售伦敦房地产的销售活动将英国本地买家拒之门外。
It might not be appealing to local buyers since it is not as fresh and modern-looking, but for sure it is the style of my clients from the former Soviet Union. 当地买家可能会不喜欢,因为它看起来并不新鲜,也没有现代感;但是可以肯定,我的前苏联客户很钟意这种风格。
Such high prices in Hong Kong have increasingly served as a flashpoint for local anger, particularly given the influx of mainland buyers in the past few years, which has helped bid up prices in a city already parched for affordable housing. 如此高的房价在当地引起了越来越多的民怨,特别是考虑到过去几年内地买家涌入本已极缺便宜住房的香港,从一定程度上造成当地房价进一步走高。
Local laws stipulated not only that the landmust be for Penghu locals, but also that prospective buyers must be farmers. 当地法律不仅规定土地必须属于澎湖本地人,还规定潜在买家必须是农民。
But that suggests they believe they can sell the stocks on to local buyers. 但这一事实说明,他们相信能够把存货转售给国内买家。
In other cases, real estate agents are helping couples with forged marriage licenses and documents to prove local residency and allow buyers to purchase more properties. 其他情况下,房地产经纪人帮助夫妇伪造结婚证和文件来证明当地户籍,并允许买家购买更多的房产。
For many years, high savings ensured a ready source of local buyers. 多年来,日本的高储蓄率确保了一个现成的本土购买者来源。
Local agents say Venezuelans are the most active buyers, followed by Brazilians. 本地经纪人表示委内瑞拉买家最为积极,巴西买家紧随其后。
The internet and your local community are littered with banks and financial institutions that are set up to lend buyers money. 互联网和你的地方社区内充满了对银行和金融机构设立借给买家钱。
Our company is the largest local enterprise yueqing city, the most outstanding, the product of the most high voltage electrical producers, welcome all over the country electrical buyers to purchase! 本公司为乐清市本地企业最大,最优秀,产品最全的高压电气生产商,欢迎全国各地电气采购商前来采购!
The ministry for the first time imposed a divestiture remedy, forcing Lucite's local operation to divest half of its annual production capacity at cost to one or more third-party buyers for a period of five years. 商务部首次强加了资产剥离补救方案,迫使璐彩特中国公司剥离一半的年产能,按成本价出售给一家或多家第三方购买人,剥离的期间为五年。
However, some within the housebuilding industry have questioned the impact that tapping into demand outside UK will have on the affordability of homes for local buyers. 不过,住宅建造行业内部的一些人士质疑,挖掘英国以外的需求,将会对本地买家的购房能力产生什么影响?
In big cities, delivery services that draw on China's abundant supply of low-cost labor can get purchases from local sellers to buyers the same day. 在大城市里,吸收中国大量的廉价劳动力快递服务让与卖家同城的买家可以当天收到货物。
By way of product display at this Pavilion, the exhibiting enterprises cordially invites local and overseas buyers for business matching. 参展企业通过展示企业产品,竭诚为海内外采购商进行对接。
On the other side, cash-rich local buyers and foreign interest are both scarce. 另一方面,现金充裕的本土购买者数量稀少,外国投资者也兴趣缺缺。
But the company is confident that demand from local citizens would make up for any reduction in the number of foreign buyers. 但该公司相信,如果海外购房者减少,本地居民的需求将会弥补其影响。
Masisa organises local carpenters into networks and connects them to low-income furniture buyers. Masisa公司将当地的木匠组织起来,并将他们与低收入家具购买者联系起来。
It has been stipulated by regulations of Chinese local governments in different levels that in economic intercourse, a mortgage guarantee for financing is able to be set on the option of the buyers, who are entitled by the contract for advance sales of commercial housing. 预售商品房买受人在预售合同中的权益作为房屋期权,可以为经济交往中的融资作抵押担保,已经为各级地方政府以法规形式予以肯定。
The multi-angle analysis Here are from the population level, government regulatory level, local government interests, real estate supply level, property buyers demand level, real estate micro level and other level. 这里有从人口层面,政府调控层面,地方政府利益层面,房地产商供应层面,购房者需求层面,房地产微观层面等多角度的分析。